How to Track Gas Fees Across Multiple Blockchains [2024 Guide]

Dealing with gas fees is a crucial part of navigating the blockchain ecosystem. These fees, which are required for transactions and operations on a blockchain, can vary greatly across different networks. Tracking gas fees becomes essential if you’re engaging with multiple blockchains to ensure cost-efficiency and optimal timing for your transactions. In this post, we’ll break down how you can monitor gas fees across various blockchain networks in 2024, using reliable tools and strategies that keep you ahead of the game. Let’s make those transactions lighter on your pocket!

Tools for Tracking Gas Fees

Tracking gas fees across different blockchains can feel like a daunting task, but there are several tools available that make this process much easier. Let’s dive into some of the best platforms and APIs you can use to monitor, estimate, and optimize gas fees effectively.


Etherscan is a widely known and trusted tool when it comes to tracking Ethereum gas fees. The Etherscan Gas Tracker provides comprehensive data on current gas prices, which helps users choose the best time to execute their transactions.

Features and Benefits

  • Real-Time Data: Etherscan offers real-time gas prices categorized into low, average, and high, allowing users to gauge the cost effectively.
  • Historical Data: Users can access historical gas prices to understand trends and make informed decisions.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigating through the gas tracker is straightforward, even for beginners.
  • API Access: Developers can integrate Etherscan’s API into their own applications to fetch real-time gas fee data.

Visit Etherscan Information Center to understand more about how gas fees work and how Etherscan can help you track them efficiently. is a versatile platform designed to track gas fees across multiple blockchains, not just Ethereum. It provides users with comprehensive insights and data to help optimize transaction costs.

Key Features

  • Cross-Blockchain Tracking: This platform tracks gas fees across various blockchains like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and more.
  • Real-Time Updates: provides up-to-the-minute updates on gas prices across networks.
  • User-Friendly Dashboard: It features a user-friendly dashboard where users can seamlessly view and compare gas fees.

For more information and to start using this tool, check out their homepage.

Infura Gas API

The Infura Gas API is another exceptional resource for developers aiming to monitor and optimize gas fees in real time. This API is designed to provide accurate gas price data across major networks.

How It Works

  • Real-Time Monitoring: It offers real-time data on gas fees, helping users find the optimal time for transactions.
  • Integration Capabilities: Developers can easily integrate the API into their blockchain projects.
  • Optimization: This API helps in making smarter and more cost-effective transaction decisions.

Developers interested in using this API can refer to the Infura documentation for detailed information on implementation.


MetaMask is not just a wallet; it also helps users estimate gas fees and adjust their transactions accordingly. MetaMask Help Center provides detailed guidance on how to use this feature.

Estimating and Adjusting Gas Fees

  • In-Built Estimator: MetaMask has an in-built gas fee estimator that suggests the best gas prices based on current network conditions.
  • Manual Adjustments: Users can manually adjust gas fees before confirming transactions to either speed up or save costs.
  • User Notifications: MetaMask notifies users about gas fee estimates and fluctuations, making it easier to make informed choices.

Visit the MetaMask Help Center to learn more about managing gas fees effectively within the wallet.

By leveraging these tools, you can ensure that you are always paying the optimal gas fees for your blockchain transactions.

Strategies to Minimize Gas Fees

Gas fees can take a massive bite out of your budget when dealing with blockchain transactions. But don’t worry, there are strategies you can use to help reduce these costs. Here, we’ll explore some effective methods to keep those gas fees as low as possible.

Timing Transactions

Timing is everything, especially when it comes to gas fees. Gas prices tend to fluctuate based on network demand. If you transact during peak times, you’ll pay more. Conversely, if you can wait for a less busy period, you can often save a bundle.

  • Off-Peak Hours: Just like electricity costs, gas fees tend to be lower during off-peak hours. Early mornings or late nights can be prime times for lower fees.
  • Network Monitoring: Tools like Etherscan’s Gas Tracker can help you find the best times to execute transactions by providing real-time data on gas prices.

Choosing the right time can make a world of difference. By keeping an eye on network congestion, you can find the sweet spot for your transactions.

Read more on scheduling transactions.

Using Layer 2 Solutions

Layer 2 solutions are like taking the back roads to avoid traffic jams on the highway. They work by handling transactions off the main blockchain, which significantly reduces costs.

Blockchain Concept Photo by Pixabay

  • Off-Chain Processing: By dealing with transactions off-chain, Layer 2 solutions can process more transactions at a lower cost. This keeps the main blockchain free for essential transactions.
  • Scalability: These solutions also improve network scalability, allowing more transactions to be processed simultaneously without clogging the system.

Layer 2 solutions like the Lightning Network for Bitcoin or Optimism for Ethereum are great examples. They offer faster transaction times and reduced fees, making your blockchain experience smoother and more cost-effective.

Learn more about how these solutions work in this detailed guide.

Batching Transactions

Batching transactions is like shopping in bulk. Instead of making multiple small purchases, you group them into one big transaction. This way, you only pay the gas fee once for the entire batch.

  • Efficiency: By consolidating transactions, you reduce the number of individual gas fees you need to pay.
  • Cost-Effective: This is particularly useful for businesses or individuals making frequent transactions, as it can significantly cut down on costs.

For instance, if you need to send multiple payments, batching them into a single transaction will minimize the total gas fees. It’s an effective strategy for anyone looking to optimize their blockchain activity.

Want to dig deeper into transaction batching? Check out this beginner’s guide.

By employing these strategies—timing your transactions wisely, using Layer 2 solutions, and batching your transactions—you can keep your gas fees as low as possible, making your blockchain interactions more efficient and cost-effective.

Comparing Gas Fees Across Popular Blockchains

When navigating the world of blockchain, understanding gas fees is essential. Different blockchains have different fee structures, which can significantly impact your transaction costs. Let’s break down the gas fees for some of the most popular blockchains: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polygon.


Ethereum is known for its pioneering role in blockchain technology, but it’s also infamous for high gas fees. These fees are payments made by users to compensate for the computing energy required to process and validate transactions.

As of June 2024, Ethereum gas fees have seen a significant drop, hitting multi-year lows. According to BitInfoCharts, the average Ethereum gas fee was just $1.34, marking a considerable decrease from previous highs. Historical data backs this up, showing a downward trend in average transaction fees.

Current Trends:

  • Average Fee: Around $1.34
  • Historical Low: Reached on June 22, 2024
  • Price Measurement: Gwei, a denomination of ETH

The drop in prices can be partially attributed to the implementation of Ethereum 2.0 and other scaling solutions, which aim to ease network congestion and lower costs for users.

Binance Smart Chain

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) offers a more affordable alternative to Ethereum, which is one of its biggest selling points. BSC’s gas fees are notably lower, making it appealing for users who frequently transact or deploy smart contracts.

Blockchain Concepts Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

In comparison to Ethereum, BSC gas fees are impressively low. According to Protos, while Ethereum’s median gas fee might hover around $1.34, BSC often charges around $0.03. This drastic difference is primarily because BSC adopts a faster and more efficient block generation process.

Key Highlights:

  • Average Fee: Typically around $0.03
  • Recent Changes: 40% fee reduction approved in June 2024
  • Comparative Costs: Much lower than Ethereum

This cost-efficiency makes BSC a great option for users looking to minimize transaction fees without sacrificing speed and reliability.


Polygon is celebrated for its low gas fees and high scalability, providing a solid alternative to Ethereum, especially for DeFi and NFT projects. Polygon’s Layer 2 solution means it operates on top of the Ethereum blockchain but processes transactions off-chain to reduce congestion and costs.

Crypto Technology Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

As of June 2024, Polygon’s gas fees remain among the lowest in the industry. According to CoinWire, Polygon’s gas fees can be as low as $0.0001 per transaction, which is almost negligible compared to Ethereum and even Binance Smart Chain.

Advantages Over Others:

  • Average Fee: Less than $0.0001 per transaction
  • Transaction Speed: Up to 65,000 transactions per second
  • Cost Efficiency: Significant savings over Ethereum

This extremely low-cost structure makes Polygon an attractive choice for developers and users needing rapid and cost-effective transactions.

Understanding the differences in gas fees across popular blockchains can help you choose the most cost-effective network for your needs. Whether you opt for Ethereum’s tried-and-true network, Binance Smart Chain’s affordability, or Polygon’s ultra-low fees, being informed will help you make smarter decisions in the blockchain space.


Tracking gas fees across multiple blockchains is indispensable. It ensures you avoid overspending on transactions and optimize your blockchain activities. The tools and strategies discussed—such as using Etherscan,, and MetaMask’s estimator—offer practical solutions for monitoring and managing these costs. Timing your transactions, leveraging Layer 2 solutions, and batching are effective methods to further minimize expenses. Understanding and applying these insights equips you to navigate the blockchain space efficiently, keeping fees manageable and transactions smooth. Use these resources and tips to stay ahead and save money on your blockchain endeavors.